Ripe for the Picking: The 2022 Blue Mango Awards Shortlist is Now Out

Out of 77 entries, 21 built and future architecture and interior design projects stand out at this year’s Blue Mango Awards for Placemaking

Images Blue Mango Awards committee

Editor’s note: What follows is an edited press release from Blue Mango Awards 2022.

“Where do blue mangoes grow? Only in your imagination,” says Butch Carungay, chairperson of the Blue Mango Awards committee. First launched in 2019, the Blue Mango Awards for Placemaking was initiated by Cebu Design Week to celebrate creative minds and innovative ideas. 

Projects within the territories of  Cebu Province, Bohol Province, and Negros Oriental are eligible to enter and receive a Seal of Excellence. The criteria to garner the award is simple. The design must be authentic, it must “reveal the inherent beauty of a place and the intention of the designer.” Second, it must be creative and should challenge possibilities and drive innovation. Last and most importantly, it must carry the principle of placemaking. It must support meaningful communion. 

This year’s edition was launched on the 30th of June and entries were accepted until the 31st of July. A total of 77 entries were gathered and deliberations started in August. Last November 15, the committee announced the 21 shortlisted projects.

Architecture: Built Projects

Interior Design – Built Projects

Architecture – Future Projects

Interior Design – Future Projects

The Blue Mango Awards for Placemaking will culminate during Cebu Design Week on November 26, 2022, from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM, with a Design Talk entitled Intuition/Experience, where select members of the jury will shed light on how intuition and experience drove some of their iconic and award-winning designs. Selected shortlisted projects will also be presented to vie for special commendation. 

This year’s jury under the Interiors category includes design firm Morfosis and renowned interior designers Chat Fores and Ivy Almario. Sudarshan Kadhka, Edwin Uy, and Jim Caumeron examined each of the Architecture-Built category entries, and Deo Alam, Buck Sia, and AJ Javier formed part of the jury for the Architecture-Future category. 

Register for the culmination night here. •

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